Stay up to date with Bizimply’s Product Release, whether big or small we’re keeping you updated on the amazing and hard work our team is doing.
Keep reading for updates From March2023.
Open Ended Sick Records 🤒
This month we were delighted to introduce the new product release: Open Ended Sick Records to Bizimply! Now, you can log open sick records for your employees without adding in an end date when it is not yet known, helping you to manage all of your employee sickness. How does this work?
- If an employee is sick and their return date to work is unknown, a sickness record can still be logged 🤒
- An end date can be filled once the employee returns to work 📆
- The total sick hours & days will populate automatically while the record remains open 📈
- Use Employee Time Off & Sickness reports to check for open sick records 📊
Click here to find out more!
Public Holidays Report Update 📊
We are happy to share that two new columns have been added to our Public Holidays report to help Irish businesses manage their Public Holiday entitlements. The two new columns are:
- Fifth of last working week – This column displays one fifth of the total hours worked in the last week prior to the Public Holiday
- Fifth of average hours last 13 weeks – This column displays one fifth of the average weekly hours worked in the past 13 weeks prior to the Public Holiday
Click here to find out more about this product release!
Get excited about…
Schedule Deactivation 📅
Schedule deactivation is on its way! This exciting update means soon you will be able to schedule your employee’s deactivation ahead of their finish date and have their records removed automatically, get notified when employees have been deactivated or choose to deactivate them immediately.
Stay up to date with all of our product releases here at Bizimply on our Releases Board! You can check out all previous product releases and even a sneak peak of some of the exciting things we have planned 🎉