Greenville Deli


greenville deli









Known for their banging tunes and fresh eats, Greenville Deli has grown quite the following since they opened up on Tara Street back in 2019. Deciding to expand their Dublin offering once again, the deli had lots to be excited about in  2021 with owners announcing that they would be opening another location in Dublin 8, Inichore. Home to some of the finest sambos, hot pots and sausage rolls around town, the team are always working hard behind the scenes and getting creative with their menus. Greenville was built on a shared love of good grub by Adam and Eve and no doubt Greenville Deli have plans to open more locations in the future.  

With a team of full-time, part-time and casual workers, creating rotas and monitoring hours worked was a laborious and time-consuming task every week for Adam and Eve. Adam had used Bizimply previously in another company several years ago, so he knew the challenges could be resolved with an easy to use workforce management platform. 

The Challenge

“When we first started out, all the schedules were being completed on a spreadsheet, then sent out to everyone via a work WhatsApp group chat or else pinned up in the kitchen.” Adam also noted that any adjustments required, such as shift swaps meant that it couldn’t be managed easily as it led to miscommunications or messy scribbles on the pinned up rota. 

“We also had a very basic system when it came to recording the clock in and out times of our staff,” he says. Adam found it difficult to track the clock in and out of his staff as well as whether they were taking their correct breaks or not. This meant it was difficult to manage labour costs and planning for the rota, they didn’t have a clear overview of when it was busy and if they were overstaffed or understaffed. 

Greenville Deli have been using Bizimply for the past 6 months making use of all of its many features to help them run a successful business and overcome the challenges outlined

greenville deli

The Solution

Bizimply has helped Greenville Deli streamline workforce management systems and improve communication across the business too, saving them both time and money.

Creating rotas has now become a lot simpler for Adam and Eve to fulfil;

“Bizimply allows us to manage rotas quickly, seamlessly and professionally – our scheduling time is down by 50-60%”.

It has also allowed employees to manage their own shifts including holiday requests and unavailability using the MyZimply app. 

“Giving our staff the responsibility of booking their time off through the app is convenient for both them and us”.  Approved time off and unavailability requests automatically show up on the schedule so staff can no longer be accidentally scheduled for a shift they are unavailable to work for. 

“The leave management process is just so smooth now, Bizimply is simple to work and automating our processes has proved positive for our business” 

Another benefit of having a cloud-based app is that “you can access the account from anywhere, if I want to check my labour and forecast dashboards, I can easily log on to my laptop if I am on the go.” 

When you need data on hand, it is there. Easily accessed and eliminates the need to go searching through documents of records or carry around files of paper. No more paper trails when everything can be achieved through Bizimply to manage your operations. 

Saving on labour costs is one of the biggest reasons that Greenville Deli use Bizimply. 

“Labour is dependent on the number of customers who come through our door,” explains Adam, adding that they have been able to plan budgets more accurately with Bizimply. The clear overview of scheduled labour costs provide Bizimply users with the ability to manage their labour budget better when they are building out their weekly schedules. They can see their sales forecast, scheduled costs and labour sales percentages. 

Bizimply has helped to improve the Time and Attendance of staff. Employees now clock in and out using the Timestation, having this live attendance information will show accurate hours that staff work, which can then be sent to head office accounts and payroll once the records have been signed off. 

It eliminates the need for any manual work or emails back and forth with queries. Payroll runs far more efficiently and the process is simplified with everyone working off a single, cloud-based system. “Being able to run reports to compare scheduled labor versus actual labor is extremely beneficial to us as a business.”

An added benefit of using Bizimply is that it has led to a more positive working environment for seamless, quick and efficient communication between all teams and management. “Our staff love the convenience of the system and the ease of use.” 

With more time and money on their hands and fewer staffing and administration challenges, Adam and Eve can keep focusing on ‘bringing quality munch to Dublin!’

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